Projet “Lifeline for Battered Women

Your contribution with us will secure a safe shelter for women and make a difference
in their lives forever. Your contribution with us to “The Lifeline Project for Battered Women
“will save a victim of daily violence. Your small contribution of  will restore a soul to a woman
who is now experiencing violence.

"The Peace Ambassadors" Project

Your contribution to our “Peace Ambassadors” project in
northwestern Syria, where we will train committees
to intervene to resolve conflicts and spread a culture
of peace, will give the opportunity to build peace, save
​​​​​​​lives and resolve conflicts in this region that has been exhausted by conflict and violence.

Soutenir l'ensemble des actions de Zoomin

The direct cause of the humanitarian catastrophe
to which Syria is exposed is the absence of
democracy and the values associated with it.
Contribute with us in promoting democratic
ideas through our project “Forum of Democratic.
Political Forces” in northwestern Syria )

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