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the European Union hosted the …

“In April 2024, the European Union hosted the...

an online dialogue session on …

Zoom In held an introductory s…

Verification process of commun…

Verification process of community-based initiatives Verification process of...

introdactory session had condu…

Fourth and final day of the st…

The number of beneficiaries


Past events

the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region
Activities and Events

the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region

“In April 2024, the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region’ at the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels. During the conference, the European Union expressed its continued commitment to the Syrian people after more than thirteen years of conflict. Efforts were intensified to listen to Syrian voices

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Activities and Events

Consecutive training courses on digital security and safe use of the Internet

Training Announcement: In cooperation with TSF, ZOOM IN organisation announces the launch of registration for a series of consecutive training sessions on digital security, safe internet usage, and digital safety in northern Syria Afrin city. The training aims to: Enhance awareness about digital safety concepts and privacy protection. Develop skills for safe internet usage and

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Women Political & Economic Empowerment

an online dialogue session on enhancing women’s political participation

Within the “Women’s Empowerment Network” project, Zoom In organized an online dialogue session on enhancing women’s political participation And its role in decision-making centers and with the participation of a number of women survivors and activists in Syrian society. The session was moderated by activist Silan Mustafa, who welcomed the participants and reviewed with them

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Members of the organization believe in these goals of solidarity with the Syrian people and uphold the principles of human rights. These goals are: Help and protect refugees and victims of war; The integration of Syrians in their host countries; Support women and defend their rights; Bring peace and democracy to Syria; Sustainable development, environmental protection and early recovery,

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