Women community leaders 2

Our second training was:

Personal strategic planning.

Through it, the women were able to “write the message, the
vision and define the goal” in addition to “strategic planning”
to reach the goal that achieves the vision and clear mission for them in the way of community leadership

Mirror 75
15 local women leaders






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the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region
Activities and Events

the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region

“In April 2024, the European Union hosted the eighth conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region’ at the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels. During the conference, the European Union expressed its continued commitment to the Syrian people after more than thirteen years of conflict. Efforts were intensified to listen to Syrian voices

Activities and Events

Consecutive training courses on digital security and safe use of the Internet

Training Announcement: In cooperation with TSF, ZOOM IN organisation announces the launch of registration for a series of consecutive training sessions on digital security, safe internet usage, and digital safety in northern Syria Afrin city. The training aims to: Enhance awareness about digital safety concepts and privacy protection. Develop skills for safe internet usage and

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